Friday, January 28, 2011

Beth - Days 3 through 6

Note to future 30 Freaking Days Bloggers: save things that will put you "out of commission for a week" until the END of your 30 days.

I feel like I'm a week behind in my scary adventures after my procedure on Monday! I've been all taped up at home, on these amazing pills that make me feel HIGH AS A KITE. For someone who rarely even takes an Advil, these last few days have been like an out of body experience. My friend, Ladd, said I should've tried writing some songs while I was trippin'. I can only imagine the brilliant concepts that were unwittingly wasted. :)

Carl has been so wonderful (as always), cooking wholesome meals to speed up my recovery. Lots of salads, homemade black bean burgers, roasted butternut squash, smoothies, and other tasty niblets. He also handwashed my hair when I was too incoherent to be trusted in the shower. That is love.

FAIR WARNING! I'm going to share some pictures with you now that might scare you. Hell, they scare ME.  That's the point, I suppose.


Night one.  The creature emerges.  I refresh Carl on our wedding vows.

The morning after.  Wondering if instead of a "rhinoplasty", they thought I requested to be "hit by a bus".  Honest mistake.

Day 3.  Hair of royal awesomeness.  Feeling a little optimistic about the potential of my survival.

Day 4.  My locks of unlove are cleansed of all iniquity.  I tell Carl to pretend I'm auditioning for the Phantom of the Opera.

Day 5.  I stop taking the magical rainbow pills.  Life carries on, slightly less amusingly.  To spice it up, I trade in my boring ice pack for a bag of frozen blueberries.


You are officially up to date.  Might as well throw in a load of laundry while you're at it.  You're on fire.  May you all know the joy of frozen fruit on your swollen mug this weekend.


  1. Oh, poor thing. :(
    Are you wearing lipstick in that last shot?
    Never mind the giant bandage and two shiners...look at my beautiful lips!!! Good thinking. :)

  2. You bet I am, Ms. Double Scoop! When I texted Lyns that pic today, she replied with "your eyes look so blue and beautiful". hahahaha!

  3. I think you'll start a trend with the hat for your nose look.

  4. You're still a perfect 10! Maybe you can see yourself more like I do now!

  5. You look as lovely as ever.
    And I'm stealing this phrase from you-
    "Life carries on, slightly less amusingly."

  6. That bandage really makes your eyes POP. Second picture makes me want to fly out there A to the SAP and HUG you.

  7. Pic 3 hairdo looks like it may have been inspired by "Something about Mary"?? LOL
