Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beth - Days 12 through 14

Even though I'm not posting a blog every single day, I've been working on tons o' scary sh*t with dedication.  Well, except for the first few days after my slice & dice, but I was scared constantly during that, so I think I'm covered.  I really do have quite a few big things in the works, but Rome wasn't built in a freaking day, you guys.

One thing I am scared of, but ready to discuss is the NEW NAME I'll be recording/performing under.  Here she blows!!! 

Lyric Everly.  There were many ideas tossed around when I decided to adopt an alias.  Several years ago, my friend Keith mentioned a little girl named Lyric, and it's been my favorite female name ever since.  It literally means "the words of a song".  Everly flows well with it,  I think,  and carries musical connotations.

Why would I do such a thing?

Several reasons!  Pseudonyms are more popular in the entertainment biz than you might think.  Guess who was born Eileen Edwards, Alecia Moore, Gordon Sumner, Peter Hernandez, Mary O'Brien, Declan MacManus, or Brenda Webb.  The list goes on.  It's important to have a memorable name, that's easy to pronounce and pleasant to the ear.

I write in different genres sometimes and it's been increasingly difficult to distinguish between a song that is "totally me" as an artist, versus something better suited for someone else.  I'll continue to write country & pop tunes here in Nashville, but will only release songs of sweetness & light under Lyric Everly.

Carl's been the biggest advocate of this concept.  Ever since we decided it would be best for me to be a solo artist, rather than us being considered a duo, his biggest pet peeve has been when people introduce us on stage as "Beth & Carl Miner" or "The Miners".  Not rockstar.  At all.

This is hilarious and so true:

Really, I'm just trying to get ladies out of their skirts.

So there you go!  Lyric Everly.  We launched this and put up this (complete with the first ever Lyric Everly song!) if you're willing to follow along.  Whew!  I'm glad that's out of the way!  Onto more scary business...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beth - Days 7 through 11

Welllll....I got my splint taken off on Monday!  That's partially a fib.  I was supposed to have it taken off on Monday, but I called on Friday because it was driving me batty and they said I could take it off all by myself as long as I retaped it back on at night.  So I called my Mommy (a nurse) and hyperventilated for 10 minutes before I did it.

They took my stitches out 2 days ago, where the Good Doctor proceeded to compare his rhinoplasty technique to "fileting a fish".  O.M.G.   

And here is my McFish Sandwich, 9 days post-op.  TAAADAHHHH!!!!

I'm very pleased with the results so far and I think it looks pretty natural.  Dr. Frenchman said it won't look its "best" until around December, after all of the swelling goes away.  He said I'll especially continue to see improvement in the area on either side of the tip, where they removed cartilage.

In true "big reveal" fashion, I only did my hair & makeup for the "after" shots.  :)

I'd like to thank everyone who has been gracefully supportive of my decision to do this.  I'm also thankful that anyone in opposition kept their opinions to themselves.  Well played, players.

On my very first outing after removing the splint, I discovered this on my drink's cap:

Just call me Andy Borowitz from now on.  :)

ACTUALLY...that leads me to my next BIG SCARY ANNOUNCEMENT.  I'm adopting a stage name.  More on THAT coming in the next blog!  It's only getting crazier from here.  Thanks for reading.