Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beth/Lyric signing off!

Well, well, well.  Those 30 Freaking Days went by hella fast!  I didn't exactly get to blog as many times as I'd hoped because I was busy doing things that were dipped in crazysauce.

Without writing a novel here, I'll recap my last couple of weeks:

I signed up for a Hula Hooping Class.
While I realize this wouldn't scare most people, I had a bad experience attempting to draw out the hula from my hoop one time.  I was with a couple of friends, having henna done for my Minutes With You album and the henna artist basically forced me into giving it a whirl.  I couldn't do it.  She kept trying & trying, saying she'd never met anyone who couldn't.  I was so uncomfortable and almost started to cry.  One of my friends came over and said "Hula Hooping is your dominoes", explaining that she could never figure out the little dotted rectangle game.  That sentiment still cracks me up!

I contacted several Song Publishers.
When I first moved to Nashville about 16 months ago, I thought I wanted to get a publishing deal, meaning a publishing company would pay me to write songs for them to pitch to other artists.  I quickly realized that in a town where a lot of writers should be working in a bakery if they enjoy cookie cutters so much,  I'm more valuable as an artist who writes their own quirky material.  Adding some dried berries to your dough never hurt nobody!

But I have a small collection of songs that I thought might be worth playing for some publishers, so I scheduled some meetings to play my little tune tots for them.  Guess what song they liked best?  Streetlighting.  A song I'm putting on my personal EP.  I will take this feedback as reassurance that I'm on the right track.

I put a blue patch in my hair two days before a photo shoot.
And I'm so happy I did.  Thanks to Cindy Kaza-Redmond for giving me edgy hair for the first time in my life.  :)  And major props to Lynsey Peterson (assisted by Blake Cannon) for MAKING effing clouds for our shoot.  It's refreshing & inspiring to have creative friends who fully embrace your vision...even when it's homemade indoor clouds.

I asked people for help.
This is NOT something I'm great at.  I'm a do-it-yourselfer at heart, and tend to shy away from asking people for assistance when I can work hard and figure things out on my own.  But I'm attending SXSW this month in Austin, Texas and I really need to have some great recordings to hand out to people I meet there.  Being that every piece of the project puzzle is damn expensive, I knew that I needed to humble myself and do a little online busking...either that or be in debt for the next year.  So last night, I launched a LYRIC EVERLY KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN.  People have been incredibly generous already and I'm so thankful for the support!  The scary part is that if I don't reach my total goal by March 31st, none of the donations go through.  I'll be holding my breath for the next 29 days!

I got a tattoo!
And I haven't told my Mom about it yet.  :)  On the 30th day of this blog, I went to Black 13 Tattoo Parlor here in Nashville with a very specific request.  The word "Now", placed on my left wrist.  It's a reminder to myself to not put things off, to live in the moment, and to do things that scare me.  I'm a huge typography nerd, and Marty "Riet" McEwen drew up the most beautiful, embellished script letters that please me so.

I just want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to each of you who read this blog while I pushed myself these last four weeks.  I did a lot of things that I've always wanted to do, but never had the nerve.  Plastic surgery, a name change, my first tattoo.  No big deal.  :)  It's easy to put life & dreams off until tomorrow.  I prefer Now.


  1. I hope you know how incredibly proud I am of you wifey. I think you're amazingly inspiring, as well as talented. And your hair smells like cupcakes, which is a good thing.

    Thanks for taking me along for the ride. I hope you never kick me out of the car.

  2. You are mangos and umbrella drinks, blue walls and fake clouds. You are my Day Of Sunshine. I'm just thrilled to get you every day. :)
