Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steph's beginning

What Lynsey said is true: I enjoy the company of Gwen, the Irish Wolfhound and am not big on social hugging. I could tell you all about my past accomplishments, but I don't they are what brought me here, to this blog. Lynsey knows: I'm straddling the equator of major change. I'm being broken open, again. I’m freaked clear out of my skin nearly every day.

About me: I write. I read. I photograph. I co-parent a seven year old girl and a ten year old boy, one week on, one week off, and have an exceptionally amicable relationship with the ex.

I’ve done some way cool things: jumped off a bridge (on a dare) into the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho. Moved places alone, where I knew no one. Traveled alone, a lot. Met the most interesting people. These adventures don’t scare me but scare others, and make them think I’m brave. What keeps me up at night are the things that everyone else does with grace and apparent ease. Like going to the grocery, or keeping a schedule.

At the end of the day, I’m just a girl, with a pen and a camera and an inquisitive mind, trying to get everything right and failing. Might as well share.

There are post-it notes all over the living room with writing ideas for this next month, and they all seem deal with much more of an interior landscape. If you have suggestions for me, please! Post them here, send me an email, call me up, meet me for coffee. I hope it’s not boring. Let’s see, shall we?

Tomorrow, I’m tackling a real, live freaky thing.

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